Recycling Info: Statutes



Did you know that it is illegal to burn anything man made? Yes, this includes paper, newspaper, and old bills. Burning any solid waste/household trash in the state of Arkansas is illegal. If you see any illegal burning in Saline County call our anonymous tip line at 501-778-2222 and leave the address of the location.

Enforcement Statute for Burning



Solid waste or any materials that are dumped in any area of the county is ILLEGAL. If you are caught dumping your materials, you will be responsible for clean-up and could receive a fine. If you see any illegal dumping report it to the Recycle Saline anonymous tip line at 501-778-2222.

Enforcement Statutes for Illegal Dumping

A.C.A 8-6-205
  • Disposal Facility Violation A.C.A 8-6-205 (a)(2)
  • Illegal Disposal Facility Violation A.C.A 8-6-205 (a)(3)
  • Household Waste Violation A.C.A 8-6-205 (a) (4)
  • Public Nuisance Violation A.C.A 8-6-205 (a) (5)
 A.C.A 8-6-406
  •  Unlawful Litter Violation A.C.A 8-6-406
 A.C.A. 8-6-408
  • Discarding Prohibited Items A.C.A. 8-6-408


Landfill Statutes

A.C.A. 8-6-407 Refused Hauling by Uncovered Vehicles

Any materials that are being transported to the landfill must be tarped or tied down so that nothing falls out or flies out.

A.C.A. 8-6-721 Licensing Haulers of Solid Waste

Solid Waste Hauling businesses must be licensed by the Saline County Solid Waste District.

View Statutes

Report Illegal Dumping & Burning

Tipline: 501-778-2222

Saline County Recycling Info

Landfill Information

The hours are Mon-Fri 5:30 am until 3:30 pm, Closed on most Saturday & Sundays and Federal Holidays. Owned and operated by Republic Services. Many services are available.

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All Upcoming Events

520 Edison Ave
Benton, AR 72015

Hours of Operations

District Office & Landfill Coupons
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Recycle Center
Tuesday & Thursday
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

1st Saturday of the month
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
(No Saturday Recycling in July)

Main Office: (501) 776-2533
Tipline: (501) 778-2222
Fax: (501) 776-2553

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